Ductless Air Conditioner In Riverside, CA

Ductless Air Conditioner In Riverside, CA, And Surrounding Areas

In Riverside, the demand for efficient, space-saving cooling solutions is rising, making ductless air conditioners an ideal choice for homeowners and business owners. Thomson Air Conditioning provides top-tier ductless air conditioning systems that offer superior comfort and enhanced efficiency in Riverside, CA. Whether upgrading your home or optimizing your commercial space, our solutions are designed to meet your specific needs.

Contact Us Today To Explore How We Can Enhance Your Indoor Climate Control

Ductless AC In Riverside, CA | Thomson Air Conditioning


Owning a Ductless Air Conditioner: Essential Guidelines

Ductless air conditioners provide excellent control over your indoor climate, but understanding how to use them effectively can significantly enhance their performance and extend their life. Here are several essential practices to follow:


  • Do: Engage in routine maintenance. Your ductless air conditioner requires annual check-ups and cleanings to function efficiently. Thomson Air Conditioning provides detailed maintenance services that help ensure your system operates flawlessly.
  • Do: Replace air filters consistently. To ensure optimal air quality and efficiency, clean your filters bi-weekly during high-use periods and monthly during slower times.
  • Do: Make use of programmable settings. Many ductless models feature timers and modes for sleeping, which help conserve energy by reducing operation when it’s not needed.


  • Don’t: Overlook signs of trouble. If you detect any odd noises or smells from your unit, it’s crucial to call us immediately. Prompt attention to such issues can help avert costly repairs down the line.
  • Don’t: Obstruct the airflow. Keeping the area around your indoor unit clear is vital, maintaining a minimum of 12 inches of space to facilitate proper air circulation. Avoid placing any furniture or clothing too close to the unit.
  • Don’t: Overwork the system with extreme settings. Setting your thermostat to drastically different temperatures can overburden your system and cause your energy expenses to spike. Maintain a modest indoor-outdoor temperature difference of 5-7 degrees for best results.

Advantages of Ductless Over Traditional Air Conditioners

Ductless systems offer several significant benefits over their traditional counterparts:

  • Increased Energy Efficiency: Ductless systems significantly improve energy efficiency since they don’t have ducts where heat loss typically occurs, leading to lower utility bills.
  • Individual Zoning: Each room can have its temperature tailored independently with a ductless system, allowing personalized comfort and better control over energy use in different spaces.
  • Quieter Operation: Ductless air conditioners operate with minimal noise compared to traditional systems, providing a more peaceful and serene indoor environment.
  • Less Invasive Installation: Installing ductless systems is straightforward, requiring only small holes for mounting, which means less disruption to your home’s structure and quicker setup.

These benefits position ductless air conditioners as a wise selection and a proactive investment, enhancing both your immediate comfort and the long-term value of your property.

Financing Your Ductless Air Conditioner with Us

Understanding our financing options can make the transition to a ductless system smooth and affordable:

  • Partnered with Goodleap: We offer various financing options through Goodleap, catering to different budget needs.
  • Simple Application Process: Easy steps to apply and quick approval times ensure you can get your system installed without delay.
  • Flexible Repayment Plans: Choose a plan that fits your financial situation without overburdening your monthly expenses.

With flexible financing options available, upgrading to a ductless air conditioner becomes an accessible and affordable choice that enhances your current living environment and serves as a wise investment in your property’s long-term value.

Comprehensive Ductless Air Conditioner Services

At Thomson Air Conditioning, our services are designed to cover every aspect of your ductless air conditioning needs.

  • Installation: Our skilled installation team guarantees that your ductless air conditioner is installed correctly, maximizing its efficiency and performance.
  • Regular Maintenance: We provide preventative maintenance plans to maintain your system’s optimal yearly performance, ensuring reliable and steady operation.
  • Repairs: Our repair services are quick and dependable, aimed at minimizing any downtime and discomfort restoring your comfort swiftly.
  • Upgrades: We provide insightful recommendations and perform upgrades on older ductless systems to enhance their efficiency and overall performance.
  • System Assessments: We thoroughly evaluate your system to verify that it perfectly matches your space’s needs and usage patterns, ensuring optimal efficiency.

To guarantee that your ductless system maintains optimal performance throughout the year, it is essential to have it serviced by professionals. Our team is ready to offer expert care and maintenance to keep your system in top condition.

Connect with Thomson Air Conditioning

Experience the Thomson difference with ductless air conditioner solutions that prioritize your comfort and convenience. We’re dedicated to enhancing indoor air quality with offerings since 2005, free estimates, and a team of licensed professionals. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, or visit our YouTube channel for informational videos. Choose Thomson Air Conditioning for your ductless air conditioning needs in Riverside, CA, and enjoy a seamless, efficient, and tailored air conditioning experience.

Ready to elevate your comfort with a ductless air conditioner?Contact Us Thomson Air Conditioning today for a free estimate and experience unmatched service and efficiency in Riverside, CA!

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